2003 – 2005

Berliner tapete

A palace for everyone!

What was left of the Palace of the Republic, the artist Stefanie Bürkle offers as an exclusive wall decoration. Rolls of palace wallpaper for every living room and study.

The facade of the Palace of the Republic as wallpaper, roll by roll. Anyone can paste his palace as an endless wallpaper facade pattern on the wall. How charming its copper-glass facade really was is shown by the yard goods from the roll. The facades of the New Berlin obstruct the open spaces of the urban wastelands. The new city walls have closed the gaps in the block development. What wallpaper is to our apartments, facades are to the city. Thus, the public space shows the increasingly interchangeable face of the new facade décor. Isn’t the facade enough anyway of a building that has been equated with East German identity in the discussion? With every square meter of wallpapered façade pattern, the identity of the palace is recoded as a memorial and manifesto and thus freed from the ballast of the palace discussion.

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