2018 – 2021


Migrating Spaces and Tourism I

MigraTouriSpace is an artistic examination of travelling as an approach to the phenomena of migration and tourism.

The products of spatial imagination not only mutually influence migration and tourism as a mobility continuum, but also drive developments of new urban areas.Through case studies on the Vietnamese wholesale centre Dong Xuan Center in Berlin Lichtenberg and the German village Dogil Maeul in South Korea, the artist Stefanie Bürkle and her interdisciplinary team investigated the tension between post-tourist practices and the migration of culturally coded spatial contexts, also in light of pandemic-related emptiness.

Migrating Spaces are spaces that roam with people when they migrate. Tourism no longer refers to vacation as an exceptional state, but to the tourist‘s gaze, which has been taken back home and has long since shaped what we call everyday life.

The results of the artistic research were presented in a walk-in spatial installation consisting of videos, mappings and photo-wallpapers, providing surprising insights into the diverse spatial overlapping of migration and tourism.

For the visitor, the exhibition became a journey of images, people and spaces. Large photo-wallpapers lea into a walk-through multi-channel video projection and interview recordings revealed people‘s multi-layered relationship to migrating spaces and tourism. The work questions conventional perceptions of tourism and migration and one‘s own view on what is supposedly foreign.

In connection with the exhibition, the book MigraTouriSpace was published, with photographs, texts and mappings.

Jovis Verlag ISBN 978-3-86859-697-7

Prof. Stefanie Bürkle
Supervision, Concept, Photographies
Janin Walter
Koordination Team, Video, Mappings
Ilkin Evin Akpinar
Interviews, Image editing
Gabriel Banks
Image editing, Realization Exhibition, Mappings
Tae Woon Hur
Image editing, Interviews, Video, Mappings
Aaron Lang
Image editing, Realization Exhibition, Mappings
Berit Hummel
Carmen Preuß
Project office
Filip Bencina, Giorgia Coluccia, Sermin Devecioglu, Jingjing Du, Theo Griffon, Hanna Heldmann, Tae Woong Hur, Sarah Klemisch, Martina Lustina, Katharina Lux, Jöran Mandik, Tim Suthoff, Marina Sylla
Click to see more

My heartfelt thanks go to all the interviewees during our journeys in Korea and Berlin for their participation and support in this project. The stories of their migration and lives are manifest in their homes and businesses. This book is about these interviewees and the Korean tourists in Dogil Maeul, Korea, and about the customers, visitors and tourists at the Dong Xuan Center who shared their experiences with us.

Mediapool/Stefan Richter
CLB/Sally Below/Sven Sappelt/Blanca Gonzalez Galan
ARTPRESS/Ute Weingarten/Alexandra Saheb


Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft, SFB1265 www.sfb1265.de

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