2019 – 2020
Anechoi room, Engineering Acoustics, TU Berlin

Studio + Laboratory

Be it artistic works or scientific discoveries, the end results are all that generally remain visible of the creative process. What happens behind closed doors in the laboratory or studio tends to be just as invisible as it is mysterious. Stefanie Bürkle, a German artist and visual arts professor, chose to delve into these sites of creativity, using large and medium-format analogue cameras to photograph scientists’ laboratories and artists’ studios in Berlin.

Bürkle’s photographic works present intriguing visual puzzles. Each is a bewildering mosaic of storage shelves, work benches, tools, equipment, and half-finished projects that convey a sense of energy and creativity. The viewer is compelled to imagine what these spaces look like when populated and what types of activities would take place. The photographs reveal a curious similarity between studio and laboratory. Would we see the same similarities if we were watching artists and scientists at work? Perhaps, but not necessarily. By pointing her lens at the work spaces rather than the workers, Bürkle encourages us to look past some of the superficial differences between artists and scientists and to consider whether at a deeper level there are significant parallels in the creative processes of the two disciplines and to better understand the nature of creativity.

Stefanie Bürkle is an artist and a professor of fine art at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. She studied scenography in Paris and fine art at the Berlin University of the Arts. Her artistic practice ranges from painting and photography to video and installation. In addition to highlighting the connections between art and science, her art and research focus on a critical examination of urban space, exploring topics such as construction sites and facades, architecture as scenography, and theme parks and tourism.

2019 – 2020
Museum für Fotografie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin; National Academy of Science Washington D.C. USA
Stefanie Bürkle
Artistic Assistant Photography
Jürgen Baumann
Artistic Assistant Catalogue Design
Marius Schmidt
Architekturmuseum TU Berlin
Tae Woon Hur
Tassja Kissing
Laura Lampe
Nico Sonnenbrodt
Paula Beck
Click to see more

Studio Jonathan Meese; Berlin Electron Storage Ring (Bessy), Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Adlershof; Studio Mark Lammert; Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies (CRT), Charité und Technische Universität Berlin; Studio Tomás Saraceno; Impulse voltage generator in igh-voltage hall, High Voltage Engineering, TU Berlin; Studio Christian Jankowski; Anechoi room, Engineering Acoustics, TU Berlin; Robotics and Biology Laboratory (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science), TU Berlin; Inges Idee, Art in Public Space, collective; Crash test facilities, Automotive Engineering, Institute of Land and Sea Transport Systems, TU Berlin; Studio Stefanie Bürkle; Test rig for combustion noise measurements, anechoic room, Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Technical Acoustics, TU Berlin; VersuchsauQbau, Labor fü r Anorganische Chemie / Experimental setup, Laboratory for Inorganic Chemistry, TU Berlin; Lageregelungsteststand, Raumfahrt, Institut fü r Luft- und Raumfahrt / Attitude control setup, Space Technology, Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Technische Universitä t Berlin; Studio Jonas Burgert


The art and research project Atelier + Labor is a year-long project of the Technical University of Berlin.

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